Leba 2024 Annual Meeting

The 2024 Law Enforcement Bicycle Association Annual Meeting will be November 10th 2024 at 1100 Hours.   If you are interested in attending please contact John Rape at 704-791-8018

Bylaw Changes

The Board has propossed changes to the tsanding Bylaws.    These changes can be found here.  Proposed Bylaw Changes


We will have a special meeting January 11th.   If you would like to attend please contact LEBA President John Rape.

Annual Meeting

The 2022 LEBA Annual Meeting will be held December 14th 2022 at 2100 Hrs via Zoom.   If you would like to join please reach out to President John Rape.

2022 Fall Instructor School

We are headed back to Utah for our Fall Instructor school.  September 12-17  In Salt Lake City Utah.   Go to https://leba.org/index.php/instructor-school/   for More Information and the Registration packet.

2021 Annual Meeting

The 2021 Annual Meeting will be held December 15th 2021 at 9pm est.  The Meeting will take place Via Zoom.   If you are interested in attending please contact President John Rape.

Proposed Chanes to Bylaws

The board will be meeting on January 15th 2020 to discuss the following changes to the Bylaws.


The proposal would be to change the Role of the Training Coordinator From:


  1. Training Coordinator:


  • Shall receive all requests for training material.
  • Shall be responsible for ordering all training material and having it shipped upon request.
  • Shall be responsible for items as requested by the Board of Directors.



Training Coordinator would be in charge of basic student classes hosted by member instructors.  Training Coordinator would collect and maintain electronically copies of the class roster, 1 copy of exam, copies of each students answer sheets, and copies of each student certificate.
Training Coordinator would also be responsible for coordinating Instructor schools when a local board/master instructor representative is not available.
The Second Proposal on the table would change Term Limits for Appointed Positions from 1 year to 2 year.
If you would like to be present via phone at this meeting please Contact President John Rape

Summer bike patrol underway in Downtown Helena


2019 LEBA Annual Meeting

The 2019 LEBA annual Meeting will be held September 29 2019 at 4pm in Utah.  If you are interested in joining or listening please contact President John Rape.

Welcome to our 16 newest instructors

Congratulations to the newest 16 instructors who graduated the spring 2019 instructor school today. 16 in 16 out. We had students from Alberta and Saskatchewan Canada, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, and Virginia USA and leave as 1. Way to go guys and welcome to the LEBA family.

2019 Fall Instructor School Reg Packet is on the Website

Check under the Instructor School tab for the registration packet.  Get it back ASAP as we have already received a large amount of interest.